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About Lotus Naturals
Lotus Naturals is a small business with the purpose of helping people to replace their medicine cabinets and essential items with natural, handmade products.
Hi, I’m Amber, owners of Lotus Naturals. I’m based out of a wonderful little town in Central Oregon. I started Lotus Naturals in 2015 after spending years making and formulating products for friends and family that found so many amazing uses for them that I needed to share them with the world. What I found out was that many people want and need the help that all Natural Organic products from the Earth can give in their every day lives. I then decided to start making affordable Essential Oil blends and lotions, potions, and other products so that everyone can experience this magic.
I draw my inspiration for wellness from the Earth. Nature has provided us with everything we need to stay happy and healthy, we just have to rearrange the way we think and use nature as our first choice in our homes and our lives.
Online and stocked Locally at Central Oregon Locavore